Categories: 2022

Asbarez: Armenia-Introduced Genocide Prevention Measure Adopted by U.N. Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on Thursday on the prevention of Genocide authored and introduced by Armenia.

This Resolution has been traditionally authored and initiated by Armenia. While assessing the current risks and challenges, the resolution outlines the necessary joint efforts by the UN member states to prevent the scourge of genocide, including through recognition, reparation, truth, bringing perpetrators to justice and accountability.

“The Resolution enjoys wide support, which has been demonstrated through wide co-sponsorship by States from all five UN regional groups,” said a statement from the Armenia Mission at the UN.

In its current iteration the resolution addresses issues such as conflict risk analysis and conflict prevention efforts, as well as the misuse of new technologies, in particular social media platforms, as well as the dangers of misinformation spread through them.

The resolution reaffirms the need for universal ratification of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The resolution proposes to convene an Inter-sessional meeting within the framework of the UN to mark the 75th anniversary of the Convention. The meeting will also discuss the role of social media platforms and their use by those seeking to spread hate leading to real-world discrimination and violence.

Jirair Kafian: