Categories: 2022

Turkish FM does not rule out his visit to Yerevan

Armenia – March 31 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo."It is possible that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia will visit Ankara, and I will visit Yerevan." Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu  stated.

"It is very important that Azerbaijan supports this process. You must  learn from the lessons of the past.  Without consultations with  Azerbaijan, we cannot take radical steps, this is our precondition.  On the other hand, after the end of the war, Turkey gave positive  messages. If Armenia is of the same opinion as us, then they will  open the borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan, trade will begin,  logistical issues will be resolved.  Azerbaijan has already offered  Armenia a comprehensive peace agreement," Cavusoglu said, APA  reports.

It should be noted that on February 24, in Vienna, the second meeting  of the special representatives of Armenia and Turkey, Vice-Speaker of  the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan and  Ambassador Serdar Kilic, took place. The special representatives  confirmed that the ultimate goal of the talks is a full-fledged  settlement between Armenia and Turkey, which was agreed upon during  their first meeting in Moscow on January 14. The start of the  normalization process was announced on December 13 by Turkish Foreign  Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same time, he stressed that Ankara  will act in coordination with Azerbaijan regarding steps to normalize  relations with Armenia.

We also note that on March 10-13, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat  Mirzoyan took part in the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya. And the day  before, in an interview with Turkish Anadolu Mirzoyan said that the  population of Armenia supports the process of normalizing relations  with Turkey. He noted that certain groups, both in Armenian and  Turkish society, are skeptical about normalization. At the same time,  the head of the Foreign Ministry stressed that officials from both  sides should "take on political leadership to resolve these issues."

It is noteworthy that sociological polls conducted in Turkey and  Armenia show the opposite. In both countries, the overwhelming  majority of the population is not ready for the normalization of  relations, moreover, they consider each other as a threat to their  own security. 

Greg Madatian: