Categories: 2022

Armenian scholar critical of premier`s claims

Armenia – April 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Vardan Voskanyan, Head of the Department of Iranian Studies, Yerevan State University (YSU), refutes Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's claims that  Azerbaijani territories are now part of Armenia.  

He points out that the "idea of enemy propaganda" that Azerbaijani  territories are allegedly included in Armenia is being inculcated in  Armenia's society. 

"In fact, it cannot be so because, by way of illustration, if a  kolkhoz Chairman decided to settle a nomadic tribe in a plot of holy  Armenian land, this land sanctified with tour ancestors' blood, does  not become 'Azerbaijani'.   

"Finally, the extreme vulnerability and complete absence of strategic  depth of the Armenian and Artsakh territories makes each plot of our  Homeland infinitely significant for our future existence," Mr  Vardanyan said.

At the Thursday Cabinet meeting, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan,  speaking of the results of his meeting with the Azerbaijani  president, assured the government members that some Azerbaijani  territories are under Armenia's control and vice versa. According to  him, the issues are expected to be settled as a result of  negotiations and on the basis of legal documents. 

Armenia's position is that a de jure Armenian-Azerbaijani border  exists. In question is the Soviet-era borderline. 

"And this is the starting point of the work at delimitation, with  simultaneous steps to ensure peace and stability," Mr Pashinyan said. 

Kanayan Tamar: