Categories: 2022

Lavrov on invasion of Parukh: There are circumstances there that need clarification

Armenia – April 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.From the very beginning of the incident, which occurred on March 24, Russia stated that the Russian military on the ground – the peacekeeping contingent  is engaged in clarifying all the circumstances of this incident. 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated this on April 8 in  Moscow at a press conference following the results of negotiations  with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, at a request to  assess the Azerbaijani invasion of the village of Parukh in  Nagorno-Karabakh. "We talked about this today. There are  circumstances there, that not completely clear to us. I would not  like to get ahead of myself now and not make any final judgments. We  are convinced that our Armenian friends fully trust the Russian  peacekeeping contingent (RPC), and the occasional calls, such as  holding this contingent accountable or to conduct some internal  investigation,  do not reflect the real attitude of the Armenian  people, the Armenian leadership to the role – the huge role that the  Russian peacekeeping contingent plays in maintaining stability in  this region," the Russian minister said.

According to him, of course there are small incidents. At the same  time, Lavrov once again stressed that in this particular case, Russia  is sorting it out through its military.  "There are things that  require clarification," the Russian Foreign Minister said.  In turn,  the Armenian minister, speaking about the Azerbaijani invasion of the  village of Parukh of Nagorno-Karabakh, the violation of the status  quo, as well as the activities of the RPC, noted that Yerevan still  believes that the Russian peacekeeping contingent will still be able  to restore the status quo, the situation as of March 23 of the  current year.  "As I said today, the peacekeeping contingent was  deployed around Nagorno-Karabakh in order to ensure the status quo of  November 9, 2020 and ensure the safety of the population of  Nagorno-Karabakh. I repeat, we still believe that the status quo will  be restored and the RPC will continue to fulfill its the most  important mission to ensure and guarantee security," the Armenian  Foreign Minister summed up.  It should be noted that on March 24 the  Azerbaijani Armed Forces, having violated the line of contact,  invaded the village of Parukh in the Askeran region of Artsakh and  tried to take control over the strategic height of Karaglukh. These  territories are in the zone of responsibility of Russian  peacekeepers. There were local fights. The enemy used attack drones.  There were casualties on both sides. The Armenian side reported the  death of three and the wounding of 15 of its contract soldiers. The  OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries called on Azerbaijan to return to  the positions established on March 23. On March 27, in the evening,  the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Azerbaijani military  retreated to their starting positions, meanwhile, the Azerbaijani  side denies this message from the Russian defense department,  assuring that it is a lie.  According to the latest reports,  Azerbaijani units continue to occupy the Karaglukh height. Official  Yerevan and Stepanakert expect that the Russian peacekeepers in  Artsakh will take measures to return the Azerbaijanis to their  starting positions and will be able to prevent possible military  provocations on the line of contact.  -sh-  

Shushan Frangulian: