Categories: 2022

Los Angeles County Supervisors Lead Effort To Honor Armenian Culture

April 8 2022

Authored by Supervisors Kathryn Barger and Janice Hahn, a motion proclaiming the month of April as Armenian History Month was unanimously approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. 

 “As we prepare to commemorate the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide later this month, it’s important to also take time to recognize the vibrant culture and contributions of our fellow Armenian neighbors, community members and leaders,” Barger said. “We are fortunate to have the Armenian spirit alive and thriving in Los Angeles County.”  

As the home to the greatest number of Armenians outside of Armenia, Los Angeles County and the Board annually commemorates the Armenian Genocide that began on April 24, 1915 and resulted in the tragic loss of 1.5 million innocent lives, according to the motion.

“Because Los Angeles County is home to the largest population of Armenians outside of Armenia, we have an opportunity and a duty to learn about and lift up Armenian history,” Hahn said. “This month, we will celebrate the rich culture of the Armenian people, highlight the many accomplishments of Armenian-Americans in our community, and join the local residents in the somber commemoration of the lives lost in the Armenian Genocide.”

In a separate motion, Barger named four honorees of Armenian heritage in recognition of their contributions and positive impact across Los Angeles County:

Sona Van was named an honoree for co-founding a non-profit medical group with various locations serving the indigent, while also writing poetry focusing on the Armenian Genocide. 

Al Cabraloff is a member of the Armenian Education Foundation, an avid supporter of Armenian educational institutions and students of Armenian culture. 

Ronald Altoon is an internationally renowned architect and board member of several higher education institutions. 

Mariam Kuregyan is a lawyer and dedicated volunteer who has supported many causes, including helping women affected by domestic violence.   

To learn more about the honorees, click here


Garik Boshkezenian: