Categories: 2022

Rep. Jimmy Gomez supports the Armenian Genocide Education Act

Public Radio of Armenia
April 9 2022

U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez has added his support to the Armenian Genocide Education Act, a bipartisan measure that seeks 10 million funding for educational programs about this crime against Armenians and other CHristian nations.

Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) introduced the Armenian Genocide Education Act, earlier this month, to fund Library of Congress educational programs about the history, lessons, consequences, and ongoing costs of the Armenian Genocide, reports the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

This landmark legislation seeks to provide $10 million in funding over five years for the Library of Congress to educate Americans about Ottoman Turkey’s systematic and deliberate state-sponsored mass murder, national dispossession, cultural erasure, and exile of millions of Armenians, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians, between 1915 and 1923.

Jack Hunanian: