Categories: 2022

Moscow Says ‘Clarification’ Needed with Peacekeepers on Parukh Invasion

Russian peacekeeping forces in Artsakh

Lavrov Pledges Support for “Peace Treaty” between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday said that while the Russian peacekeeping contingent continued to investigate the circumstances of the March 24 incursion, by Azerbaijani forces, into the Parukh village in Artsakh’s Askeran district, certain incidents there require further “clarifications.”

Speaking at a joint press conference in Moscow, Lavrov said that he had discussed the issue with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan, who is on a diplomatic visit to Russia.

Russia’s top diplomat scoffed at calls for an internal investigation into the peacekeeping contingent’s activities, saying that such sentiments do not reflect the “real attitude of the Armenian people and the leadership of Armenia.”

Yet Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, as recently as Thursday, called for such an investigation during remarks he made at his weekly cabinet meeting.

“The circumstances there [in Parukh] are not completely clear,” said Lavrov. “I do not want to go ahead and make a final judgment.”

“We are convinced that our Armenian friends fully trust the Russian peacekeeping contingent. Calls for holding [Russian peacekeepers] accountable and launching an internal investigation do not reflect the real attitude of the Armenian people and the leadership of Armenia and the big role that the Russian peacekeeping contingent plays for ensuring stability in the region,” Lavrov added.

“Yes, small incidents are taking place, and our servicemen are dealing with this particular incident. There are things there that need clarification,” he said.

In his remarks, Mirzoyan reflected on the fact that his visit was taking place at a time when the focus of discussions had become the situation in the South Caucasus and Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mirzoyan spoke of the incursion by the Azerbaijani forces into the Parukh village, which under the jurisdiction of the Russian peacekeepers. He also accused Azerbaijan of creating a humanitarian crisis, recalling its recent blockade of natural gas supplies to Artsakh, saying that the brunt of his discussions with Lavrov focused on the situation in Karabakh.

Armenia’s foreign minister said that Armenia “continues to believe that the Russian peacekeeping contingent will manage to restore the status-quo in Nagorno Karabakh, and that Azerbaijan will return to its initial positions.”

“As I have already said, the peacekeeping contingent has been deployed in Nagorno Karabakh for ensuring the status-quo outlined in the November 9, 2020 agreement and protecting the security of the population of Nagorno Karabakh. We continue to believe that the status-quo will be restored, and the Russian peacekeepers will continue fulfilling their important function and mission,” reiterated Mirzoyan.

Hailing Russia’s “significant role” in halting military operation in Karabakh, Mirzoyan expressed hope that the peacekeeping contingent “will contribute to the observance of the ceasefire regime and the prevention of provocations in Nagorno Karabakh, the return to normal life and stability, and security in our region.”

Lavrov pledged Russia’s readiness to support the creation of conditions for the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Advancing the discussion on a “peace treaty” was discussed on Wednesday during a meeting between Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan that was mediated by the President of the Council of Europe Charles Michel.

“Russia is ready to provide support to the work between Yerevan and Baku for creating conditions for the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” said Lavrov, adding substantive discussions took place in ways that Moscow can support the launch of this effort

“We discussed issues that have been discussed at the level of our leaders, including in terms of the delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan and future steps to strengthen trust and stability on the borderline,” Lavrov briefed reporters about his meeting with Mirzoyan.

Lavrov expressed hope that the commission for delimitation will be created as soon as possible, and noted that Moscow did not see any obstacles for this. He further added that the work for solving humanitarian issues must continue.

The working group for unblocking of transport and economic links will convene its next meeting this month, announced Russia’s top diplomat.

Lavrov also spoke about the normalization process between Armenia and Turkey. “We welcome the process of normalization of relations between Yerevan and Ankara. This must contribute to the improvement of the situation in the overall region,” he said.

Kevo Kalantarian: