Categories: 2022

Politician: The solution of the Artsakh problem is in the "remedial secession"

Armenia – April 7 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.The solution to the problem of Artsakh in the current geopolitical realities seems to be in the implementation of the principle of international law -  remedial secession – secession for the sake of salvation.  Leader of  the party Aram Sargsyan expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo.

"I think that the time has come to take the initiative in the Artsakh  issue. The leadership of Armenia, by all its actions and behavior,  clearly demonstrated to the international community its own  unwillingness to seize any territories through military force. This  was a direct message to the international community, which, according  to my information, was properly appreciated," he said.

According to politican, Yerevan's second step in this direction is  the need for Armenia to recognize the independence of Kosovo.  According to him, nothing prevents Armenia from taking this step  today, there are simply no obstacles on this path. In this light,  Sargsyan recalled that Kosovo was recognized by the international  community precisely within the framework of the "secession for the  sake of salvation" principle. Otherwise, the Kosovo Albanians would  simply be forcibly deported. And by recognizing the independence of  Kosovo today, Armenia, in his opinion, will clearly demonstrate the  existence of clear parallels between the inhabitants of Kosovo and  the inhabitants of Artsakh, as well as between their problems.

Sargsyan describes all the recent actions of the Aliyev regime  against the people of Artsakh, in Parukh, Karaglukh, the explosion of  the gas pipeline, etc., as manifestations of ethnic cleansing, with a  clear intention to forcibly evict the people of Artsakh  from their  own homes. 

In this light, he drew parallels with the once-Armenian Nakhichevan,  whose population had been subjected to similar oppression for  decades. As a result, Nakhijevan became part of Azerbaijan after not  a single Armenian remained there.

In the opinion of the politician, one should not rely on the solution  of the Artsakh problem and in ensuring the security of the people of  Artsakh on Russian peacekeepers as well. According to his forecasts,  the Russian military will not stay in Artsakh forever and will leave  sooner or later, despite all the calls and entreaties of the  pro-Russian parties in Armenia and Artsakh. After that, Artsakh will  have no choice but to share the fate of Nakhijevan.

"That is why it is necessary to act here and now, within the  framework of international law. And I do not think at all that the  issue of the status of Artsakh was discussed in Brussels on April 6.  Discussion of this issue is the prerogative of the OSCE Minsk Group,  which US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made clear to Nikol  Pashinyan and Aliyev on April 5 by phone," Sargsyan summed up.

Following the talks between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan,  Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and European Council President  Charles Michel in Brussels on April 6, an agreement was reached to  establish a bilateral commission on the delimitation of the border  between Armenia and Azerbaijan by the end of April. The trilateral  talks in Brussels were preceded by separate meetings between the head  of the European Council and the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan.   An agreement on the establishment of the commission was reached in  Brussels in accordance with the statement adopted on November 26,  2021 in Sochi. The commission will also deal with issues of ensuring  security and stability along the entire perimeter of the border. The  leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan instructed the foreign ministers to  begin work on preparing peace talks. 

Hovik Karapetian: