Categories: 2022

Baku could make use of negotiations to make territorial claims to Armenia – Nikol Pashinyan

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.Signing a peace agreement with Azerbaijan as soon as possible is among the Armenian government's plans, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan stated in  Parliament on Wednesday.  

Speaking of the agreements reached following the trilateral meeting  in Brussels, he said: "I agreed to preparation of a peace agreement  by the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers." Issues of  schedule and format of work have to be discussed. 

Yerevan has no illusions about it as Azerbaijan could attempt to  bring to the peace talks to stalemate as soon as possible to justify  its new acts of aggression against Armenia and Artsakh.  "We have  similar expectation about border delimitation as we do not rule out  Azerbaijan will make use of the process to formulate territorial  claims to Armenia while de jure stating it has no territorial  claims," he said. 

Aware of and calculating all the risks, Armenia's authorities have  arrived at the conclusion that no progress only entails higher risks. 

"This is the reason why we agreed on delimitation in Brussels to set  us an Armenian-Azerbaijani commission on birder delimitation and  security by the end of April and start working," Mr Pashinyan said.   The Armenian side's strategy is clarifying Azerbaijan's official  position on the border and specifying Armenia's position, "being  legitimate to the highest extent possible, that is, using only facts  and arguments de jure, getting this legitimacy internationally  recognized and reaching an agreement on the Armenian and Azerbaijani  borders. It means being based on de jure facts that are of importance  for delimitation, rather than on wishes or talks," Mr Pashinyan said. 

He reported that the bilateral commission members will be finally  named before April 30.   

Vanyan Gary: