Categories: 2022

International community proposes lower status for Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.The international community is promising unanimity on Armenia and Artsakh if Armenia's authorities agree to lower status for Artsakh. Otherwise, the  international community says Armenia should not hope for them, Prime  Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated in Parliament on Wednesday.  

"Robert Kocharyan was not at all exaggerating while stating that  Armenia too has territorial integrity issues. It was difficult for us  to convince ourselves that after 30 years of hardships we had to  surrender the fruits of the victory in exchange to nothing. Accepting  that was tantamount to admitting that we had erected a facade,  whereas we had totally failed to construct state institutions. Even  as an opposition member I could not accept that much less so read out  this verdict while looking straight into people's eyes. But I am  saying to discuss the future not the past. In fact, we have a similar  situation now, and I cannot but say it," the premier said. 

"The international community is telling us straightforwardly now:  being the world's only country refusing to recognize Turkey's ally  Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is a great threat not only to  Artsakh, but also to Armenia. The international community is telling  us again now: request a lower status for Nagorno- Karabakh's status,  and you will enjoy international unanimity on Armenia and Artsakh.  Otherwise, we request you not to hope for us not because we are  unwilling to help, but because we are unable to," Mr Pashinyan said.  

These are social and psychological motives making Armenia's  authorities to consistently state there is no alternative to the  peace agenda despite all the difficulties, he said. 

Paul Hambardsumian: