New hotbeds round Russia and in regions under its influence being created

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.It was clear at the outbreak of hostilities that the Russian-Ukrainian crisis would inevitably cause a spiral of threats in Eurasia, Tigran Abrahamyan, a  member of the With Honor parliamentary faction, believes. 

In confronting Russia, the international community will not stop at  sanctions and abundant military and financial supplies to Ukraine.  

"It is being done to create new hotbeds round Russia and in the  regions under its traditional influence. And the major task of  Armenia and Artsakh is not to become a platform for confrontation  between Russia and the others, which is much more probable now," he  said.  

The Armenian government's statements and actions not only do not  prevent such developments, but create favorable conditions for new  escalation. 

"And I am not yet speaking of the clowns and showmen in the  foreground attempting to force another agenda on the public and  discredit all the forces warning of real threats. They do not at all  realize a new war will not be waged within Artsakh boundaries. And it  is being manifested on smaller scales in Gegharkunik, Vaiots Dzor and  especially in Syunik. By being weak and behaving like this, this  government is only making war more imminent," Mr Abrahamyan said.