Categories: 2022

Pashinyan considers CSTO reaction to situation in Sotk-Khoznavar section as failure for Organization

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan considers the CSTO's reaction to the situation in the Sotk-Khoznavar section on the border with Azerbaijan as a failure for the Organization.

"What happened at the Sotk-Khoznavar section is, of course, a failure  of the Armed Forces and the government. But the way the CSTO reacted  to what happened, I think, was also a failure for the Organization,"  he said on April 13 in parliament.

Pashinyan noted that, despite existing procedures, the CSTO has not  yet made a decision to monitor the problem area, justifying the  long-standing fears of the Armenian public that this Organization,  which is of paramount importance for the security system of Armenia,  will do nothing at the right time, remaining in observer status. "The  fact is that the CSTO still does not consider this situation in any  way, even as an observer," he stressed.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces continue to be in the Sotk-Khoznavar  section, posing a real threat to the security of Armenia, he noted.  "But I also want to state that the territory of 45 square kilometers  that was occupied as a result of these events, unfortunately, is not  the only one in the Republic of Armenia. Since the beginning of the  90s, about 70 square kilometers of the territory have been in this  status, and as I already said, our policy on this issue is to  consider the solution of it in the context of the activities of the  commission on delimitation and demarcation," Nikol Pashinyan said. 

Mike Maghakian: