All defense programs must be synchronized with functions of Russian peacekeeping contingent – President of Artsakh




YEREVAN, APRIL 14, ARMENPRESS. On 14 April President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan visited the Ministry of Defense of Artsakh and met with the senior command staff of the Defense Army.

As ARMENPRESS was infomred from the Offic eof the the President of Artsakh, first Arayik Harutyunyan listened to the reports of Defense Army commander Kamo Vardanyan about the operative-tactical situation on the contact line, then referred to the recent military-political developments in the country. Speaking about security issues, President Harutyunyan once again stressed that all defense programs should be synchronised with the functions of the Russian peacekeeping force stationed in Artsakh, adding that the main task remains to ensure the peaceful, sovereign life of the people of Artsakh.

An exchange of views took place during the meeting, the President answered the questions of those present.