Idea that Karabakh has no future as part of Azerbaijan erroneous, MP states

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. Vigen Khachatryan of the dominant parliamentary faction Civil Contract considers erroneous the idea that Karabakh has no future as part of Azerbaijan.  

"Back in 1996, [Armenia's first president] Levon Ter-Petrosyan stated  that Karabakh had no future in Azerbaijan. Years later I can say that  idea was wrong," Mr Khachatryan stated in Parliament on Thursday.   

Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan was utterly sincere while speaking  of the details of the negotiations and risks of refusing to recognize  Turkey's ally Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. After all, Armenian  should realize if they want to be destroyed as heroes or live and  progress. 

Lena Nazaryan of the dominant faction stated meetings with the killed  servicemen's relatives show consensus on the peace agenda.

"I am joining this public consensus and supporting the prime  minister, foreign minister and government in their determination to  put this agenda into practice," Ms Nazaryan said. 

Speaking in Parliament on April 1, 2022, Armenia's premier stated:  "Some are saying now: 'Could you prevent the war? We could have  prevented the war and, as a result, would have had a similar  situation, without victims, of course."