Categories: 2022

Oppositionist: Pashinyan and his team seek Artsakh’s complete surrender to Azerbaijan

Armenia –

Sos Hakobyan, the spokesman of the opposition Homeland Party, has reacted to the statement of ruling Civil Contract faction MP Vigen Khachatryan concerning Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

Speaking in the parliament on Thursday, Khachatryan said that first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan's claim that "Karabakh has no future within Azerbaijan" was "not right".

In a public post on Facebook, Hakobyan urged the Artsakh authorities to declare the pro-government MP persona non grata and bar him from entering Artsakh.

He also accused Nikol Pashinyan and his team of seeking Artsakh's complete surrender to Azerbaijan.

“Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan: this is part of the political program of Nikol and his Civil Contract party,” Hakobyan said.

“Dear compatriots, don't be surprised when your native villages and settlements slowly fall under the control of the enemy. We have to ask each other again: what do we actually want?” he added.

Christine Harutyunian: