Political strategist: Pashinyan admitted that he was being forced to come to terms with the loss of Artsakh

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.In his speech at the National Assembly yesterday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan admitted that he was being forced to come to terms with the loss of Artsakh behind the doors of his Brussels offices. Political  strategist Vigen Hakobyan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"Pashinyan admitted that the Armenian agenda on Artsakh is now devoid  of any assistance and support in the international arena. The latter  means the need for new concessions from Yerevan on the Artsakh issue.   This, in fact, was announced by the prime minister from the rostrum  of the parliament, announcing the need to lower the Armenian bar on  the demands over the status of Artsakh, otherwise the existence of  not only Artsakh, but also Armenia may be threatened, Pashinyan is  preparing the ground for pragmatic concessions on the issue of the  status of Artsakh," he believes.

According to Hakobyan, refusal to determine the status of Artsakh on  the basis of the right of its population to self-determination, means  consent to autonomy or cultural autonomy within Azerbaijan. And this  is at best. Noting that the proposals of the OSCE Minsk Group on the  settlement of the conflict – the Madrid principles are far from the  supreme dream of Yerevan and Stepanakert, the political strategist  recalled that these proposals at least assumed the protection of  Armenian interests. At a minimum, in the form of fixing the right of  self-determination of the people of Artsakh through a referendum.

This is what the political strategist determines the post-war  position of Yerevan, which considers it possible to resume  negotiations in the Minsk format even after the defeat in the 44-day  war. And the fact that the format of a single co-chairmanship of the  OSCE Minsk Group actually no longer exists, according to his  estimates, means the destruction of the principles of settlement  formed within its framework, including the right of  self-determination of the people of Artsakh. And all this against the  background of the absence of any other format that would deal with  the final settlement of the conflict and determine the status of  Artsakh.  

"And here we are again returning to the situation around  Ukraine, the current stage of the tough confrontation between the  West and Russia, which, as we see, has already been projected on  Artsakh. As a result, Russia from a country cooperating with the West  within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group has become into a  country conflicting with the West. Accordingly, the statements of the  co-chairs from the United States and France on the preservation of  the format of the OSCE Minsk Group mean that it is maintained, but  without Russia. And the goal of the collective West is to oust the  Russian Federation from all possible international cooperation  formats. Under such conditions, Armenia needs huge professional,  intellectual, analytical, diplomatic, geopolitical resources to  confront all these disappointing international realities. It is  necessary to understand the situation in order to get out of all this  with at least minimal losses.  Resources, the existence of which I  strongly doubt," summed up the political strategist.