Categories: 2022

Ukrainian Charge d`Affaires in Armenia has no evidence of use of weapons containing white phosphorus in Karabakh war

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Ukraine has not supplied weapons to Azerbaijan since 2014, Ukrainian Charg‚ d'Affaires in Armenia Denis Avtonomov told reporters in Yerevan on  Thursday. 

Fake news has been disseminated about Ukraine's military supplies to  Azerbaijan, including Javelin, in exchange for fuel. 

"That man has no idea of arms control. No weapon can be supplied to  anyone without the producer's permission if you want to cooperate  with that country in the future, without punitive sanctions imposed  on you. The issue of using ammunition containing white phosphorus is  constantly being raised. I would like to say that Armenia and  Azerbaijan accused each other of using such ammunition during the  Karabakh war. I have not seen any evidence," Mr Avtonomov said. No  government agencies are making any comments.  However, he is ready to  discuss the issue if anyone has any information. 

Mr Avtonomov also reported a number of pieces of fake news  disseminated during the hostilities in Ukraine, particularly false  reports on alleged transportation of Arab mercenaries through Armenia  and Armenia putting its fighters (military aircraft) at Russia's  disposal. He said he was laughing at the routes the fighters  allegedly flew along to reach Russia. Mr Avtonomov also pointed out  one more false report on an Armenian serviceman allegedly involved in  the hostilities in Ukraine. That man turned out to be a looter. 

"A banner on the Kiev Bridge in support of Russia's army during the  first days of the war, a 'show' in the Victory Park in support of  Russia, unfolding a banner in 'Z' in Artsakh – are these not fakes?"  Mr Avtonomov said, adding that Armenian society has nothing in common  with that "show." 

On march 31, 2020, the Artsakh Defense Army and the Azerbaijani armed  forces used weapons containing white phosphorus, which are banned by  the Geneva Convention. 

On Novembr 6, 2020, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and the  Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) published an ad  hoc report on the use of incendiary ammunition of mass destruction  (incendiary weapon) containing chemical elements (possibly white  phosphorus) against Artsakh by the Azerbaijani armed forces.   

Antranik Varosian: