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Yerevan has repeatedly demonstrated its readiness to move forward in rapprochement with Turkey, Armenia`s foreign office states

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Vahan Hunanyan, Spokesperson for the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered questions by the Armenpress news agency.   

Question: When and where is the next meeting of the Special  Representatives of Armenia and Turkey scheduled?

Answer: There is a preliminary understanding between the sides that  the next meeting may take place in Vienna. As soon as the date and  the place of the meeting are finally confirmed the public will be  informed properly.

In an interview, the Foreign Minister of Turkey stated that they  would like the meeting to take place in Armenia or Turkey? What is  Armenia's position in this regard?

Answer: During the previous attempts of normalization, the meetings  were held in Armenia and Turkey, both at the level of negotiators and  even presidents, but, as you know, no result has been achieved. I  mean, the important thing is the political will to reach  normalization and the readiness to undertake clear concrete steps. We  demonstrate both, and we expect the same from Turkey. If there is a  will, the place of the meeting will become a purely logistic issue.

Moreover, the proposal of holding the meetings of the special  representatives in Armenia and Turkey indicates that in Turkey's  perception, the process is solely bilateral. In this case, it would  be logical not to observe almost weekly statements of the  representatives of Turkey that they advance the process in  coordination with Azerbaijan.

Regarding the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations, Minister  Chavushoglu also emphasized the need for bold steps. How would you  comment on that?

Answer: The Armenian side fully agrees with the need for bold steps.  We have repeatedly demonstrated our readiness to move forward,  including with the participation of the Foreign Minister in the  Antalya Diplomatic Forum, and the lifting of the economic embargo.  The resumption of flights between Armenia and Turkey was also an  important bilateral step.

We are convinced that the only way forward is to undertake consistent  clear steps. For example, we offered the Turkish side to open the  land border for holders of diplomatic passports as a first stage, but  the Turkish side is hesitating. We think this will be a small but  substantive, importantly, logical step. We hope it will be possible  to achieve a result on this issue.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu complained on Thursday  that Armenia remains reluctant to hold the next rounds of  Turkish-Armenian negotiations on normalizing bilateral relations in  Yerevan or Ankara, Azatutyun reports.

He said the Armenian side should become "more courageous" and stop  insisting on third countries being the venues of those talks.

"On one hand, you say that relations must be normalized and the  [Turkish-Armenian] border must be opened," Cavusoglu told the Turkish  NTV channel. "On the other hand, you do not dare to meet in Turkey  and Yerevan."

"If you don't agree to even meet in each other's countries how are  you going to take steps on other issues?" he said, appealing to  Yerevan. 

Special envoys of the two neighboring states met in Moscow in January  and in Vienna in February for talks described by both sides as  productive. In a related development, Cavusoglu and Armenian Foreign  Minister Ararat Mirzoyan met last month on the sidelines of an  international security forum held in the Turkish city of Antalya.

Cavusoglu said that the envoys' next meeting will again be held in  Vienna. But he gave no date for it.  

Ara Felekian: