Categories: 2022

Nicholas Kristof concerned about Azerbaijani aggression toward Artsakh villages

Armenia –

American journalist and political commentator Nicholas Kristof has expressed concern over Azerbaijani aggression against Armenian villages in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

“Lots of concern about Azerbaijani aggression toward Armenian villages, including the "ethnic cleansing" of the area. The necessary focus on Ukraine shouldn't allow other countries to get away with such behavior,” he said in a tweet on Thursday, sharing a statement of Baroness Caroline Cox.

“I receive almost daily reports of Azerbaijani military offensives against Armenian villages. By megaphones and loudspeakers, villagers are ordered to leave their homes. Women and children are evacuated, including recently from Karmir Shuka and Khnushinak in Martuni and Khramort in Askeran, where Azerbaijani forces continue to accumulate military equipment and manpower,” Cox said.

Alex Nanijanian: