Categories: 2022

Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute on upcoming commemorative events dedicated to 107th anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.From April 20 to April 22 Armenia will host a unique international "Challenges of Armenian Genocide Education in the 21st Century" scientific  conference, within which 29 reports will be presented. Director of  Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute Harutyun Marutyan announced this  on April 18 at a meeting with journalists, announcing commemorative  events dedicated to the 107th anniversary of the massacre of  Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

According to him, the key speakers from Armenia, the U.S., Spain,  Rwanda, Cambodia, Libya and Israel will present 29 reports.

"On April 20, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute will open a new  non-permanent exhibition, called : "Testimonies of an Enlightened  Nation in the Footsteps of Armenian Schools." The Armenian people  left a huge legacy in the Ottoman Empire, Western Armenia and  Cilicia. Under the pressure exerted on them, the Armenians were able  to organize educational activities. That is what the Exhibition is  dedicated to.  The author of the exhibition is Seda Parsamyan.  Nevertheless, everything will not be limited to this. So, on April 23  at 12:00,  an exhibition of graphic paintings "Death March in the  Desert" by French artist of Armenian origin Jean Pierre Seferian will kick off at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute . On April 29 an  exhibition of a Dutch researcher titled "Armenian Terrors through  the Eyes of the Dutch" will open , Marutyan said.

At the same time, he said that on April 24, representatives  of the Armenia-Israel and Armenia- Syria parliamentary friendship  groups will visit the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex to pay their  respects to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide of  1915.

"The memorial will also be visited by a minister from the Netherlands  and a representative of the International Organization of La  Francophonie," the director of the Museum-Institute said, recalling  that, as a rule, on this day the memorial is visited by many guests  from abroad. 

Liana Toganian: