Aliyev describes Armenia’s acceptance of 5 principles as “turning point”

TASS reports that Aliyev particularly said:


“After the end of the second Karabakh war, Azerbaijan’s position has always been that we should start negotiations on a peace treaty. I believe that the official starting point was registered on April 6 in Brussels. Since then we have been working, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working, my administration has been in contact with your team, and, as agreed, we are ready to start.”


Aliyev described Armenia’s acceptance of the five principles put forward by Azerbaijan for the normalization of relations between the two countries as a “turning point”.


“This is really a turning point in the process. After official statements from both sides, we must prove the seriousness of our intentions at the table of negotiation,” he said. Aliyev stressed that Baku hopes for the efforts of the EU here, in particular of the President of the European Council Charles Michel, who, as he said, “is already deeply involved in the process.”


Aliyev stressed that one of the issues requiring clarification with the Armenian side is the issue of communications between Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan through the territory of Armenia, including railway and motor roads.


He said that next year Azerbaijan will complete the construction of the railway to the border with Armenia. At the same time, Aliyev expressed regret that Armenia has not yet started work on the feasibility study of its part of the railway line, which, he said, could delay the process. In addition, according to him, Baku plans to complete the construction of a highway to the border with Armenia by the end of 2023. Aliyev said that Baku is waiting from Yerevan the geographical coordinates of this road in the territory of Armenia.