Categories: 2022

Georgian delegation Prosecutor General visits Armenia

A Georgian delegation led by Prosecutor General Irakli Shotadze is visiting in Armenia .The meeting of the prosecutors general of the two countries took place Tuesday at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Armenia.

Prosecutor General of Armenia Artur Davtyan stressed that the high level of trust between the prosecutor general’s offices of the two countries enables to resolve urgent matters related to mutual legal assistance and extradition processes.

The contribution of the Georgian side in the solution of humanitarian issues was especially stressed amid the consequences of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Armenia in the fall of 2020.

Georgia’s Prosecutor General Irakli Shotadze noted that the brotherhood of the Armenian and Georgian peoples has a history of centuries, trade between and mutual visits of the citizens of the two countries are growing dynamically, and Georgia is viewing Armenia as an important pillar in the region.

Also, Shotadze invited Davtyan to Georgia to participate in the international conference of prosecutors to be held in the capital of Tbilisi in September.

In particular, issues related to increasing the effectiveness of protection of the rights of citizens of the two countries in each other’s countries—especially at border checkpoints—were discussed during the meeting.

As a result of the meeting, Artur Davtyan and Irakli Shotadze signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the prosecutor’s offices of Armenia and Georgia.


Samvel Nahapetian: