Categories: 2022

Iran willing to participate in Armenia road construction projects

Public Radio of Armenia

At a meeting with the Ambassador of Armenia, the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development announced the readiness of Iran to cooperate with Armenia in exporting technical and engineering services in order to complete a new communication corridor between the two countries, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development informs.

According to the Ministry, Armenian Ambassador Arsen Avagian met with the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development to discuss transportation cooperation between the two countries and facilitate road communication between Iran and Armenia.

Khairullah Khademi said: “Iran seeks to enhance its transit advantages by building new international routes.”

New road, rail, and sea routes have been built or are being built for this purpose, making it easier for Iran to access the North-South corridor and European countries, reducing transportation time, and consequently lower transportation costs.

He continued: “Iran is currently providing the conditions for the completion of this corridor of communication with Armenia by constructing a road from Tabriz to the border of Norduz, which, if completed, in addition to reducing the route, can compete with parallel corridors.”

Khademi announced Iran’s readiness to cooperate in the construction of this axis by issuing technical and engineering services by Iranian consulting engineers and contractors and noted that “with the construction of this axis, the north-south transit route from Iran to Armenia will be reduced by half.”

Janet Ekmekjian: