Ministry of Environment commented on information about spillage of chemicals into Araks from Agarak Copper-Molybdenum Combine

Armenia –
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.The Ministry of Environment reacted to the information in the media about the spillage of  chemicals into the Araks River from the Agarak  copper-molybdenum plant in the Syunik region of the Republic of  Armenia.

The ministry assured that the problem is under strict control of the  department. On behalf of Minister Hakob Simidyan, specialists are  working on the spot, taking water samples from the river. "According  to the currently available information, the wastewater leaked along  the asphalt road and did not spill into the Araks River. At present,  the M2 road at the 381st km of the Yerevan-Meghri-customs post has  been cleared of wastewater containing chemicals," the department said  in a statement. Relevant photos and video footage have also been  published.

It is noted that the Ministry of the Environment works with all  interested parties. "As for allegations in publications about causing  significant environmental damage by harming the fauna and flora of  the river and adjacent coastal areas, we urge our information  partners to refrain from such assessments while expert work is being  carried out," the ministry said.

It should be reminded that GeoProMining Group of Companies, one of   the largest industrial investors in Armenia, has been operating in   the country for 15 years. The Armenian assets of the group consist of   the Sotk Gold Mine, the Ararat Gold Mining Plant and the Agarak    Copper-Molybdenum Combine.  Over 15 years of operation, the group  has  invested more than 400 million US dollars in the modernization  of its  Armenian enterprises. The amount of the Group's social  investments in  the development of the regions where it operates  exceeds USD 10  million.  In September, Industrial Company managed by  GPM Group, acquired a 60%  stake in the flagship of the mining  industry in Armenia, the Zangezur  Copper-Molybdenum Combine,  transferring a 25% stake from its share to  the Armenian government.