Categories: 2022

Armenian Genocide Remembrance at Pasadena High School

By News Desk

The School Board also designated the month of April as PUSD’s month of commemoration to recognize one of the most atrocious violations of human rights in history. PUSD leaders and educators agreed that every person, regardless of ethnicity or national origin, should be made aware of and educated about the Armenian Genocide so that it and other state-sanctioned forms of ethnic cleansing may never happen again.

Creative Arts Media and Design (CAMAD) sophomores at Pasadena High School have been working on an exhibition of portraits and Haikus honoring the people who were terrorized, ravaged, and displaced and those who survived genocide.

Their work highlights Armenia, Cambodia, and Darfur, as well as ethnic groups in Germany, Rwanda, Ukraine, and the USA. They used chalk for the work as it is a non-permanent material, much like our memories of these events if we allow it.

Source: PUSD, Edited by Ann Hunnewell

Andranik Taslakhchian: