Armenian museum to be established in Tabriz, Iran

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia –

An Armenian museum will be launched in the city of Tabriz, Iran’s northwestern province of East Atrpatakan, said the head of the provincial chapter of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Department on Wednesday, IRNA reports.

Ahmad Hamzaehzadeh made the remarks during a meeting with the Head of the Armenian Diocese of Atrpatakan Grigor Chiftchian, highlighting that preservation of historical Armenian monuments is among the department’s most significant responsibilities.

“Due to the existence of numerous Armenian monuments in the province, special measures have been taken by the General Directorate for restoration, protection and maintenance, and following these measures, the re-establishment of the Armenian Museum in Tabriz is on the agenda,” Hamzaehzadeh said.

He added that the province hosts invaluable Armenian monuments such as Saint Stepanos Monastery, which is one of the landmarks on the UNESCO World Heritage List.