Categories: 2022

Jerusalem: MK Mossi Raz to take part in memorial ceremony for Armenian genocide


MK Mossi Raz (Meretz) will leave Israel for Armenia on Saturday night to take part in a memorial ceremony for the Armenian genocide on Sunday.

This will be the second time Israeli MKs take part in the ceremony in an official capacity after current Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai and former Likud MK Anat Berko attended in 2015.

"The murder of more than a million Armenians is one of the most awful shows of human cruelty," said Raz. "The time has come for also Israel to remember the victims and their stories. It's our duty as Jews and as human beings. It's a great honor for me to represent the Knesset and Israel and this important event."

Israel does not formally recognize the Armenian genocide although bills to do so have been submitted in the past.


Emil Karabekian: