Armenian Council: Turkey’s massacre against Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs continue

Iraq, Kurdistan Province –
The Armenian Social Council remembered the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 at a time Turkish crimes and massacres continue.

The Armenian Social Council in the city of Hasaka held the 107 th annual anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed at the hands of the Ottoman Empire and that was started on 24 April 1915.

Attendance at the ceremonies were civil foundations, military formations and political parties in addition to social activities. 

After a minute of silence was observed Co-chair of the Armenian Social Council in the Hasaka Canton Imad Tatarian made a speech in which he said ''the fires of the Turkish state that emanate from the Ottoman Turnism poses threats to the North and East Syrian people at large''.  

Tatarin noted that the Armenian genocide scattered and dispersed the Armenian people all over the world. ''the Turkish state continue to commit massacres not only against Armenians, but against Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs and many others''.

On behalf of Nubar Ozanian Battalion commander Manuel Bimir said: the massacre that was committed against the Armenian peoples is a most appalling one in the history of humanity, it is a disgrace for all humanity. The Turnanist Ottoman state was aiming by tis massacre to uproot a people whose history goes deep in history''.

From his part, co-chair of the Movement for a Democratic Society Gherib Hiso said: this massacre that was committed against women, men ad hundreds of children is unforgettable''.

Hiso said the history of the Turkish and Ottoman states is full of massacres and atrocities .
