EPP calls on Turkey to face its own history, recognize and condemn Armenian Genocide

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The European People's Party (EPP) has issued a statement on the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. 

The statement reads:

"We commemorate the Armenian Genocide of 1915. We reaffirm the  recognition and condemnation of the Genocide and great national  dispossession of the Armenian people on the eve of its 107th  Anniversary. 

"We join and strongly support the commitment of Armenia and the  Armenian people to continue the international struggle for the  prevention of genocides, the restoration of the rights of people  subjected to genocide and the establishment of historical justice. We  invite Turkey to take the necessary measures pursuant to its  international commitments to recognize and to condemn the Armenian  Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire and to face its own history  and memory through commemorating the victims of that heinous crime  against humanity. 

"We strong believe that such move will promote long-lasting peace,  stability and human rights in the whole region"