Categories: 2022

​Armenian Genocide commemorated during plenary session of the Mexican Senate

Public Radio of Armenia

Armenian Genocide commemorated during plenary session of the Mexican Senate

On April 26, a commemoration ceremony dedicated to the 107th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was held during the plenary session of the Mexican Senate, the Armenian Embassy in Mexico informs.

Senator Alejandra León spoke about the massacres of the Armenian population during the Ottoman Empire, urging the Senate of the Republic and the Mexican Government to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

At the invitation of the President of the Senate, Olga Sánchez Cordero, those present observed a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

During a press conference that followed the session, Ambassador Armella Shakaryan stressed that the recognition and commemoration of the genocides of the past is of utmost importance for the prevention of recurrence of this type of crime anywhere in the world.

The Ambassador pointed out that the impunity of the Armenian Genocide currently inspires those who plan to commit new international crimes. The war waged by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2020, which was accompanied by war crimes and other acts of ethnic cleansing, made it clear that impunity for crimes committed in the past can have irreversible consequences.

Meline Chalian: