Erdogan: The process of normalization of relations with Armenia continues, problems will be resolved in the near future

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The process of of normalization of relations with Armenia continues, and the problems will be resolved in the near future. Turkish President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan said this on April 27 at an iftar with representatives of  national minorities, referring to the process of normalizing  Armenian-Turkish relations, Turkiyegazetesi reports.  

Erdogan said that the wars must be stopped and that they are making  efforts to establish an atmosphere of friendship. "We are negotiating  with Armenia. Let's hope that the borders will open and our friendly  relations will continue," he said.

In turn, Chairman of the Armenian Foundations Union Bedros Sirinoglu,  said in his statement on this occasion: "We were in a friendly and  sincere atmosphere.  Mr. President was sincere as always."

It should be noted that on February 24, in Vienna, the second meeting  of the Special Representatives of Armenia and Turkey, Vice Speaker of  the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan and  Ambassador Serdar Kilic on the normalization of relations took place.   The special representatives confirmed that the ultimate goal of the  negotiations is a full-fledged settlement between Armenia and Turkey,  on which an agreement was reached during their first meeting in  Moscow on 14 January.  

The start of the normalization process was announced on December 13,  2021 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same time,  he stressed that Ankara will act in coordination with Azerbaijan  regarding steps to normalize relations with Armenia. The next meeting  is planned in Vienna, the date has not yet been made public.