Categories: 2022

Forecast: Artsakh-flagged protests in Yerevan weaken Pashinyan`s position in working with Western partners

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.The goal of the political forces that have taken to the streets is far from the  security of Artsakh, not the creation and implementation of a new  domestic and foreign policy agenda and concept.

These people, having taken to the streets under old and boring slogans, seek to shake the foundations of the current government in Armenia in order to weaken  its position in working with Western partners, including around the  Artsakh problem. Sociologist Karen Sargsyan expressed a similar  opinion to ArmInfo.

According to the sociologist's forecasts, everything that happens  today on the streets of Yerevan will inevitably be used against  Pashinyan in his negotiations with Russian President Putin in the  future in order to wrest concessions from Armenia on the same issue  of Artsakh. In other words, the connection between internal Armenian  politics and geopolitics, in his opinion, is evident today.

The analyst believes that despite the many questions and  dissatisfaction with the current government, it is due to this  government that the civilized world has not turned its back on  Armenia. And it will be so as long as this government remains and is  not replaced by forces whose main mission is to serve specific  foreign interests," he stressed.

According to Sargsyan, the leaders of today's protest are using a  symbiosis of technologies, on the basis of which Pashinyan himself  came to power in 2018, and technologies with geopolitical  "overtones", for example, in the form of posters with Mevlut  Cavusoglu grinning and demonstrating the gesture of the "Grey Wolves"  to the Armenians. Thus, trying to ride the wave of protest under the  brand "no peace with the Turks thirsting for our blood." "And this is  against the background of the fact that similar discontent reigns in  Turkey and Azerbaijan, which can be beneficial only to one country,"  the sociologist believes.

David Nargizian: