Categories: 2022

Maria Zakharova commented on threats of President of Azerbaijan against Armenia

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.As part of the process of normalizing Armenian- Azerbaijani relations, it is  extremely important to adhere to the letter and spirit of the  trilateral agreements at the level of the leaders of Armenia,  Azerbaijan and Russia.

Official representative of the Russian Foreign  Ministry, Maria Zakharova stated this during a weekly briefing on  April 28, when asked to assess the threats of Azerbaijani President  Ilham Aliyev against Yerevan if the Armenian side refuses to sign a  peace treaty on Azerbaijani terms.

The diplomat recalled that everything is spelled out in the document,  including relations with each other.  "And it is also important to  refrain from confrontational rhetoric and resolve all issues by  political and diplomatic means. This is our traditional approach and  thesis. We are acting in this vein and we urge everyone to do so,"  she said.

Speaking in general about the process of preparing a peace treaty,  Zakharova recalled that consultations were held by the special  representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the normalization  of Armenian- Azerbaijani relations, Igor Khovayev, in Yerevan (March  28) and Baku (April 25). " The readiness of the two sides to move  towards each other, we consider as a positive sign. Trilateral  contacts on this topic are being worked out at a high level. We will  also separately inform about this," the representative of the Russian  Foreign Ministry said.

It should be noted that Ilham Aliyev, speaking at the V World  Congress of World Azerbaijanis in Shushi, once again threatened  Armenia. He noted that the agreement can be concluded only on the  basis of the five principles proposed by Azerbaijan. "Revanchist  forces periodically raising their heads in Armenia should know that  this [a peace treaty with Azerbaijan – ed. note] is their only way  out and even their last chance. If they refuse it, then we will  refuse to recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia and declare  it officially" Aliyev said.

He also threatened countries providing military support to Armenia  and helping to restore and modernize the army.

Earlier, Baku sent 5 proposals to Yerevan on the normalization of  bilateral relations. Yerevan called them acceptable. The parties are  now actively preparing to launch the process of border delimitation  and ensuring border security.

Talar Tumanian: