Most Armenians welcome Russians` arrival, disagree with western sanctions – survey

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. 72.8% of the respondents involved in a survey conducted by Marketing Professional Group (MPG), an exclusive representative of the GALLUP International Association in Armenia, disagree with the western sanctions against  Russia. 

Specifically, 8.4% of the respondents fully support the western  sanctions/restrictions imposed on Russia, 11% consider them mainly  positive, 17.8% consider the sanctions mainly negative, 55% believe  the sanctions are totally negative and 7.9% could not answer. 

77.6% of the respondents believe that the anti-Russian sanctions are  affecting Armenia.  

Specifically, 53.9% of the residents are sure that the sanctions are  affecting Armenia, 23.7% believe the sanctions are most likely  affecting Armenia, 9.6% said the sanctions are probably not affecting  the country, 8.2% believe the sanctions are not affecting at all and  4.7% could not answer. 

86.6% welcome Russians coming to Armenia amid the Ukraine  developments. 

Specifically, 47.8% of the respondents positively welcome the fact of  many Russians coming to Armenia for temporary residence or work,  38.8% most likely welcome, 5.2% are not disposed to welcome the fact,  6.6% are strongly against it and 1.6% could not answer. 

Most of the respondents, 85.2%, are sure Russians' arrival in Armenia  will have a positive impact on the country's economy.  

The survey was conducted from April 2 to 6, 2022, with 1,002  respondents involved. The survey has a margin of error of +3%.