Aliyev says Armenia could get access to Azerbaijan’s energy resources

Armenia – April 29 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has declared that normalization between Baku and Yerevan could give Armenia access to Azerbaijan's energy resources, reports.

Aliyev said Thursday, April 28 that both Azerbaijan and Georgia are involved in energy and transport routes and maintained that "there is an opportunity to invite Armenia to join the regional development.

"Normalization of relations with Azerbaijan will open opportunities for Armenia that cannot be predicted now," he said.

"They (Armenians – Ed.) will only benefit from this and will be able to take advantage of access to our energy resources and, to a certain extent, become part of international transport corridors."

The Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers will meet on the sidelines of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers in Dushanbe on May 13, according to a statement from the Armenian side.