Laguna Beach High School recognizes Armenian Genocide Awareness Week

April 29 2022


Laguna Beach High junior Ashton Azadian has coordinated the return of Armenian Genocide Awareness Week at the campus.

Last year, the High School for the first time in its history recognized the Armenian Genocide by displaying a banner that recognize the killing of Armenians in 1915. Ashton created a new banner that was hung up earlier this week in the quad.

As vice president of the Associated Student Body, Ashton applied for a student grant from the Laguna Beach High School PTA and earned support from Principal Jason Allemann to create a banner emblazoned with the U.S. Flag, the Armenian Flag, and the school’s logo.

“I like the new visual I created because it shows partnership and solidarity as our student body and teachers again come together to recognize the Armenian Genocide this year,” Ashton wrote in an email.