Categories: 2022

Armenian authorities ‘terrified’ by protest campaign, says Kocharyan’s son

Armenia – May 2 2022

The incumbent Armenian authorities are “terrified” by the protest campaign launched by the opposition, claims Levon Kocharyan, the son of Armenia’s second President Robert Kocharyan.

On Monday morning, the country’s leading opposition groups began a large-scale civil disobedience campaign to oust Nikol Pashinyan and his cabinet, blocking traffic in central Yerevan and other parts of the city.

“There is a large group of resolute patriots who are ready to save our country from the current pro-Turkish authorities,” Levon Kocharyan told reporters.

He called attention to the police brutality against protesters as well as the “insolent” behavior of some police officers.

"This indicates that the authorities are terrified and understand that the wave [of protests] is gaining traction. They [the authorities] might be ready to do anything, but I don't think the police will take such a step. It also depends on the determination and the number of protesters. Experience shows that if they see a lot of people gathered, they take no action, and where there are relatively few people, they behave disrespectfully," he said.

Kocharyan urged people to actively participate in the acts of civil disobedience.

“The more people join us, the less turmoil there will be. After all, we're fighting for our country," he said.

Jane Topchian: