Stepanakert: We have only one point; we will not be part of Azerbaijan and henceforth will remain a de facto independent state

Armenia – May 2 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Speaking about the proposals submitted by Azerbaijan, I want to once again emphasize the following: no matter how many points there are – 5, 7 or 17, we have  only one point, we will not be part of Azerbaijan and henceforth will  remain a de facto independent state. 

This is stated in the statement of Artsakh Foreign Minister David  Babayan.  "All Armenians decide the fate of Artsakh, especially  Artsakh. We will pursue this line to the end, because the fate of all  Armenians really depends on the fate of Artsakh, and somewhere the  further course of world politics," summed up Babayan.

Earlier, Baku sent 5 proposals to Yerevan on the normalization of  bilateral relations. The Armenian authorities called them acceptable.  On March 14, the Armenian Foreign Ministry issued a statement, in  which, in particular, it stated that "Yerevan responded to the  proposals submitted by Baku and turned to the OSCE Minsk Group  Co-Chairmanship to organize negotiations on the conclusion of a peace  treaty between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan  on the basis of the Charter UN, the International Covenant on Civil  and Political Rights and the Helsinki Final Act.  

After this statement of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, the  Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry published proposals of 5 points sent to  Yerevan. This, in particular, refers to the following proposals:  "Mutual recognition by states of sovereignty, territorial integrity,  inviolability of state borders and political independence of each  other; mutual confirmation by states of the absence of territorial  claims against each other and their acceptance of a legal obligation  not to make such claims in the future; refrain from threatening each  other's security in international relations, using threats and force  against political independence and territorial integrity, as well as  other circumstances that do not correspond to the purposes of the UN  Charter; delimitation and demarcation of the state border,  establishment of diplomatic relations; opening transport links and  communications, establishing other relevant communications and  cooperation in other areas of mutual interest".  

The opposition criticized these actions of the Armenian Foreign  Ministry, recalling that the OSCE Minsk Group does not have a mandate  to negotiate the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani bilateral  relations.  The parties are now actively preparing to launch the  process of border delimitation and ensuring border security.