Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow is interested in the stability and peaceful development of Armenia

Armenia – May 6 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. All issues of the internal political life of the country should be resolved exclusively in the legal and constitutional field within the framework of  appropriate democratic procedures. Alexei Zaitsev, Deputy Director of  the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry,  stated this at a briefing on May 6, answering a relevant question.

Recalling that this is an internal affair of Armenia, Zaitsev  stressed that Moscow is interested in the stability and peaceful  development of the allied republic.

"As for linking current internal events with the process of  Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization, as we understand, this is not  about the attitude of the opposition to tripartite agreements, but  about the perception of certain statements by the Armenian  leadership," Zaitsev said.

He stressed that Russia actively contributes to the normalization of  relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, primarily through the  implementation of all the provisions of the tripartite statements of  November 9, 2020, as well as January 11 and November 26, 2021, also  the conclusion of a peace agreement between Yerevan and Baku.   Earlier,  press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation  Dmitry Peskov, referring to the processes in Armenia, noted that this  is an internal affair of the union republic.  At the same time, he  stressed that Moscow is interested in the soonest stabilization of  the situation on the territory of Armenia, due to the fact that it is  a partner country of Russia.  

It should be noted that on April 17, thead of the "I have the honor"  opposition parliamentary faction Artur Vanetsyan launched an  open-ended protest action on Freedom Square in Yerevan in defense of  Nagorno- Karabakh and demanded the resignation of the current Prime  Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and his team. He  called on everyone to join his protest action. His initiative was  supported by the "I have the honor", "Armenia" opposition factions,  as well as the "5165" party.  Since May 1, a tent camp of opposition  forces has been set up on France Square, demanding the resignation of  Pashinyan and his team.  Activists of the movement have been spending  the fifth night on the street.  Traffic is blocked not only along the  central roads of Yerevan, but also key regional transport hubs.