Azerbaijani PM notes lack of progress in opening communications with Armenia
Armenia –

 Azerbaijani Prime Minister Ali Asadov noted the lack of progress in unblocking economic and transport links between his country and Armenia.

"Despite the ongoing meetings within the trilateral working group [at the level of vice-premiers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia], there is no progress in unblocking economic and transport ties in the region in accordance with paragraph 9 of the tripartite statement," the head of the Azerbaijani government said, speaking on Friday at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS in the format of a videoconference, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan reports.

“Our policy is very open and clear. We are open to constructive dialogue, joint work with the aim of turning the South Caucasus into a region of peace, cooperation and interaction,” A. Asadov said.

Pointing out that Armenia accepted the five basic principles put forward by the Azerbaijani side in connection with the peace agreement, the Prime Minister said: "These five principles are the basic principles of international law, consistent with the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act."

At the same time, A. Asadov noted that Azerbaijan expects full fulfillment by Armenia of the obligations undertaken within the framework of the Tripartite Statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia.

The concern of the Azerbaijani side was expressed that paragraph 4 of the Tripartite Statement of November 9/10, 2020, which provides for the withdrawal of Armenian armed formations from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, remains unfulfilled.