Expert: The third meeting in the Pashinyan-Mishel-Aliyev format speaks about the resuscitation of the OSCE Minsk Group

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. The third Pashinyan-Michel-Ali meeting,scheduled for May 22, speaks of the final revival of the OSCE Minsk Group, which fell into an artificial coma after a 44-day war. Associate Expert of the Armenian Institute of International Relations  and Security David Stepanyan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

On May 22, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will leave for  Brussels on a working visit, where he will meet with Ilham Aliyev and  President of the European Council Charles Michel. Separate  negotiations will also be held in Brussels in the Pashinyan-Michel  format. This is the third meeting in this format. At the last meeting  in Brussels, an agreement on the establishment of a commission for  the delimitation and demarcation of borders was reached.

"We also have to admit that the settlement process, the settlement  process may finally move from Moscow to Brussels. We see that if the  first meeting in this format was preceded by calls from Michel and  French President Macron to Russian President Putin, then the second  was preceded by calls from US Secretary of State Blinken to Pashinyan  and Aliyev. Thus we can state that there is no coordination between  the actions of Moscow and the actions of Brussels, behind which  Washington undoubtedly stands," he stressed. 

Causing such a situation with new geopolitical realities created  after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Stepanyan  believes that, at least at this stage, the plans of the collective  West to remove the Russian Federation from the negotiation process to  resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani problems are being successfully  implemented. And the fact of the resuscitation of the settlement  process within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship,  but without the direct participation of the third co-chair in the  person of Russia, clearly confirms this.

"As for the Brussels-3 agenda, I don't think we should expect quick  decisions on the issues of delimiting the borders between Armenia and  Azerbaijan. Not to mention such a fundamental problem as determining  the status of Artsakh. In all likelihood, the parties will take  another small step in Brussels to launch the work of the already  established border clarification commission. And this work will last  for years. Besides, Brussels-3 will be disguised as a humanitarian  shell, ant it is possible that another batch of Armenian captives,  hostages, will be returned to their homeland in the form of another  promise by Aliyev," the analyst concluded.