Categories: 2022

AW: What kind of an Armenia are we aiming for and how?

Ishkhan Saghatelyan, May 9, 2022 (Photo: Hayastan Dashinq)

The future plans for Armenia and Artsakh, presented below, were articulated by Ishkhan Saghatelyan at the May 9 gathering of the Resistance Movement at France Square in Yerevan. Saghatelyan, the representative of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body of Armenia and vice chair of the National Assembly, has made additional remarks over the past few days, where he has clearly stated that the popular uprising is not an attempt at a power grab, as portrayed by the current authorities. It is a movement borne out of the many indignations suffered by Armenia and Artsakh over the past few years, a direct consequence of the treasonous policies and actions of the current authorities. Neither is the removal of the current authorities the end goal. It is merely the beginning of a long overdue national reconciliation, enforcement of territorial integrity and provision of safety for all citizens, re-establishment of our national values and rejection of policies based on fear, defeat and upholding of our enemies’ interests ahead of our own. Most importantly, the ARF states in no uncertain terms that the unsavory elements of the previous regime have no place in Armenia’s future. We have a cadre of young, educated, capable and patriotic Armenians who can lead us toward a better future and a stronger and more unified Armenian nation.

The end of Vichy Armenia is near, and we have a long road ahead of us, one that we must travel together in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. Once and for all, we must show our collective strength and not allow our enemies, as skillful as they may be, to divide us. Our strength is in our unity and in our steadfast belief in a shared and bright future.

The month of May holds a special place in our modern history, where we celebrate the first liberation of Shushi on May 8, Victory Day on May 9 and the independence of the first Republic of Armenia on May 28 following 600 years of foreign rule. Let this May bring a renewed spirit of hope, reconciliation, patriotism and optimism to our nation. 

ARF Sardarabad Gomideh of Boston

Fellow Armenians:

The independence of Armenia and Artsakh are under threat, a direct result of the anti-national, weak and treacherous actions and policies of the current administration.

It is incumbent upon us to right this ship and to bring Armenia and Artsakh back from the edge of the precipice. Are we capable of doing so? The answer is a resounding yes. How will we do so? We will build a strong Armenia with a unified effort rooted in security, solidarity, stability and progress.

To do so, we must remove the current administration and replace it with a government that will:

  • Bring to an end Turkish-Azeri attacks and incursions by modernizing the common security systems of Armenia and Artsakh. This effort will be based on working with strategic partners, rebuilding Armenia’s Armed Forces and improved international diplomacy.
  • Reaffirm the rights of the people of Artsakh to security and self-determination guaranteed by the Republic of Armenia, commitment to protect Artsakh from any status that would place it within Azerbaijan and formation of reliable land access between Armenia and Artsakh to prevent any enclave status. Active steps will be taken based on the 1994 OSCE format to reinstate the negotiation process.
  • Prevent any effort toward provision of corridors under the guise of unblocking communication roads at the expense of Armenia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  • Not implement any border demarcations under Azeri force or threat of force.
  • Exclude any agreements in the Armenian-Turkish relationships that will question the realities of the deportations and genocide of the Armenian nation, as well as Armenia’s right to her spiritual and cultural heritage.
  • Give priority to issues related to food security and state reserves.
  • Consider the return of Armenian POWs and all hostages as an issue of utmost importance and urgency.
  • Carry out policies professionally with clearly articulated standards to overcome the state of crisis in the management system. We will eradicate populism, lies, deceit, inaction, irresponsibility and all overt and covert manifestation of corruption from the management of the affairs of the state. We will promote hard work and diligence, development of a healthy state and a national mindset and individual and collective responsibility. We will form a new functional and effective state management structure. We will prioritize the revival of the agriculture and culture ministries, in addition to the law enforcement system to fully serve our citizens. The accomplishments of the policies established for the welfare of our citizens, in both rural and urban areas, will be used as the success criteria for evaluation of state officials. Economic growth must be directly reflected in increasing standards of living, providing stable revenue growth. The citizens’ credit and debt load must not deprive them of the opportunity for a dignified life.

Fellow Armenians, we will restore internal solidarity and achieve our immense pan-Armenian potential by eliminating deepening hatred, division and indifference. We will reject the low moral standing of the past and the present and will shield the nation from destructive shocks and reverberations.

Fellow Armenians, we would like to address a question that has been raised often during the course of our rallies. The question pertains to the appearance of unacceptable and unsavory individuals in the rallies who have held positions of power previously. With the direct involvement of the Diaspora, the holy Armenian Apostolic Church and other national structures, we will formulate internal and external agendas to face our pan-Armenian challenges.

To formulate such a power, it is necessary to:

  • Create a national consensus temporary government. This means that responsible political forces will undertake the collective responsibility to formulate a unique state management national collective that will prevent the centralization of power under one person.
  • After the removal of the current administration, we will publish the names of 250 renowned specialists, who will serve as the pillars of our management system and state administration structure over the next few years. They will not be required to have any party affiliation, loyalty to any one person, or any _expression_ of obedience or submission to any entity or individual. These individuals will not be beholden to anyone, nor will they be prone to such behavior. You know many of them, as they serve among us. They have been and are fighting in the name of our nation’s freedom, strong statehood, Artsakh, empowerment and driving the Turks out of our country. They are all in the thick of it at the Square, on the streets or in the free press. They are real patriots and professionals whose activities will be a source of pride for any state system in any country.
  • Remove the ability of the Prime Minster to make sole decisions on matters of significant importance. The Prime Minister can only make decisions on matters of defense and security with unanimous support from the Security Council. The Prime Minister’s authorities will be limited and replaced with actual parliamentary management mechanisms. Pass new laws regarding the Security Council and government structure and activities.
  • Urgently structure the Armed Forces high command, strengthen the diplomatic corps and bring back the professional cadre and minimize political appointments.

The role of the temporary government will be to:

  1. Immediately form a senior political and professional negotiation team that will negotiate with Azerbaijan, and if needed Turkey, based on our national and state interests with a clear and well-developed plan, as opposed to the existing pro-Turkish approach hampered with fear and defeat. The negotiation team will not lower the bar. It is noteworthy that any reduction in the role of the Russian peacekeepers stationed in Artsakh is inadmissible.
  2. Reduce the atmosphere of hatred in the country with consistent steps, where people will not be persecuted for their political views and the rule of law will apply to everyone, regardless of status.
    Armenia will once again become an attractive destination for investments, and Yerevan once again will become the capital of all Armenians.
    -Upon stabilization of the situation (presumably in one to one-and-a-half years), free, fair and competitive extraordinary elections will be held. 

Removal of the nation-destroying authorities will consist of an initial dual power status, followed by the removal of the current administration. Dual power is already in effect, whose manifestations are:

  1. The formulation of a far-reaching consolidated effort supported by different segments and structures.
  2. It is clear both inside and outside Armenia that the current Prime Minister has neither the legal standing nor the capacity to make new concessions on behalf of the nation.
  3. The current authorities are already trying to cover up their treasonous plans under public pressure.
  4. The current authorities’ sole power lies in the brutality of the police force.
  5. The country is in a state of crisis, as the 2021 elections have not resulted in any meaningful gains.
  6. We can clearly state that all conditions for the removal of the current authorities are in place.

It is impossible for the current authorities to halt the popular movement.

To that end, our goals are to:

  1. Establish that actual people’s power is based at the Square.
  2. Realize that the current authorities are powerless in the face of the people’s anger and indignation. In other words, the people have full control over the discourse and can dictate their will by closing and opening what they want, when they want. This will effectively remove the current Prime Minister from power, in which case his resignation will only be inevitable.

What is needed for this? Only one thing, dear compatriots. Increase the size of the disobedience demonstrations, the number of the participants and become masters of the situation.

I submit to all political forces in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, the public, professional circles, capable individuals, spiritual, cultural, educational, business, IT, military, and to all that Armenia is ours. If we stand shoulder to shoulder, we can solve any problems. This is not a political party struggle. There are no authorized groups or people. This a popular uprising in the name of our dignity, our national identity, in the name of a just, strong state of solidarity with her citizens, and in the name of Armenia and Artsakh. Trust, participate, and we shall be victorious.

Zhanna Nahapetian: