RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/23/2022


Lavrov Talks To Armenian, Azeri FMs After Brussels Summit

        • Heghine Buniatian

Tajikistan - The foreign ministers of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan meet in 
Dushanbe, May 12, 2022

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke with his Armenian and Azerbaijani 
counterparts by phone on Monday one day after the leaders of the two South 
Caucasus states met again in Brussels.

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry reported that Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov 
discussed with Lavrov the results of the latest Armenian-Azerbaijani summit 
hosted by the European Union’s top official. It said they also spoke about the 
implementation of Russian-brokered agreements to establish transport links 
between Armenia and Azerbaijan and to demarcate their border.

The same issues were also on the agenda of Lavrov’s call with Foreign Minister 
Ararat Mirzoyan. According to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, they discussed, in 
particular, the formation of an Armenian-Azerbaijani commission on the border 

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev 
set up on Monday two such commissions comprising senior Armenian and Azerbaijani 
officials respectively.

Speaking after Pashinian’s and Aliyev’s five-hour talks in Brussels, European 
Council President Charles Michel said overnight that the commissions will hold 
their first meeting at an unspecified section of the frontier “in the coming 
days.” Michel said the two leaders also agreed on the “principles” of 
cross-border cargo shipments and other traffic.

Russia - Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev 
and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian make statements to the press after 
talks in Sochi, November 26, 2021.

Russia brokered similar understandings between Armenia and Azerbaijan after 
helping to stop a six-week war in Nagorno-Karabakh in November 2020. Moscow 
accused the EU and the United States of trying to hijack its peace efforts 
following the previous Aliyev-Pashinian encounter hosted by Michel on April 6.

According to official Russian readouts of Lavrov’s phone calls, Mirzoyan and 
Bayramov reaffirmed their governments’ declared commitments to fully 
implementing the Russian-brokered agreements. Lavrov had already received such 
assurances from them at a trilateral meeting in Tajikistan’s capital Dushanbe on 
May 12.

The top Russian diplomat was also reported to discuss with them “a number of 
further joint steps” on the border demarcation, the opening of 
Armenian-Azerbaijani transport links as well as planned negotiations on an 
Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty.

It remains unclear whether the conflicting sides are planning to restart the 
work of a Russian-Armenian-Azerbaijani task force dealing with economic and 
transport issues. Mirzoyan indicated in Dushanbe that it will meet in Moscow on 
May 16 after a nearly five-month hiatus. The meeting did not take place, however.

It also remains to be seen whether Russian officials will be involved in the 
demarcation process in an advisory capacity.

Armenian IT Sector Adds Thousands Of New Jobs

Armenia - Armenian and foreign IT firms display their products at Digitec Expo 
Armenia 2021, Yerevan, October 29, 2021.

The government reported on Monday a nearly 50 percent surge in the number of 
officially registered workers in Armenia’s information technology sector, which 
appears to reflect a recent influx of skilled migrants from Russia.

Government data revealed by Economy Minister Vahan Kerobian shows that local 
software development firms employed 20,000 people as of the end of April, up 
from about 13,500 in the year-earlier period.

In a Facebook post, Kerobian said that the number of tech jobs registered with 
tax authorities rose by 2,300 in April alone. He did not comment on the reasons 
for the sharp increase.

The IT industry dominated by software developers has long been the most dynamic 
sector of the Armenian economy, having grown at double-digit annual rates since 
the early 2000s. A list of the country’s 1,000 largest corporate taxpayers 
released by the State Revenue Committee in January included 36 tech firms.

Thousands of mostly young Russians relocated to Armenia following Russia’s 
February 24 invasion of Ukraine. Many of them are computer programmers and other 
IT professionals.

Armenia - Russian nationals are seen in downtown Yerevan, March 7, 2022.

Already on March 1, Kerobian announced that some Russian tech companies are 
moving operations to Armenia to evade Western sanctions imposed on Moscow. The 
sanctions restricted their access to high technology and complicated their 
financial transactions abroad.

The precise number of such firms that have partly or fully relocated their 
personnel to the South Caucasus country is not yet known.

According to the Armenian State Registry of Legal Entities, 268 Russian citizens 
registered firms while 938 others received the official status of an “individual 
entrepreneur” from February 24 through March 22. The vast majority of them are 
involved in IT, the head of the agency, Tatev Mkrtchian, told the Armenpress 
news agency.

In a related development, about 27,000 Russians and other foreigners opened 
Armenian bank accounts during the same period.

EU’s Michel Reports ‘Tangible Progress’ Made At Armenian-Azeri Summit

Belgium - European Council President Charles Michel meets with Armenian Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Brussels, May 
22, 2022.

Armenia's and Azerbaijan's leaders made progress towards negotiating a bilateral 
peace treaty, demarcating the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and opening transport 
links between the two countries, European Council President Charles Michel said 
early on Monday after hosting fresh talks between them.

Michel held a trilateral meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian 
and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Brussels for the second time in less 
than two months.

“The leaders agreed to advance discussions on the future peace treaty governing 
inter-state relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Michel told reporters. 
“Teams led by the [Armenian and Azerbaijani] foreign ministers will take forward 
this process in the coming weeks.”

“In addition to this track, I also stressed to both leaders that it was 
necessary that the rights and security of the ethnic Armenian population in 
Karabakh be addressed,” he said.

Michel did not say whether Aliyev and Pashinian agreed on the agenda of the 
planned negotiations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani treaty. Pashinian’s office did 
not report any agreements to that effect in a statement on the Brussels summit.

In March, Baku presented Yerevan with five elements which it wants to be at the 
heart of the treaty. They include a mutual recognition of each other’s 
territorial integrity.

The Armenian government said they should be complemented by other issues 
relating to the future of status of Karabakh and the security of its population. 
Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said last Wednesday that Baku has not yet 
agreed to discuss them as well.

The government revealed its counterproposals after Armenia’s leading opposition 
groups launched on May 1 daily demonstrations in a bid to force Pashinian to 
resign. Opposition leaders claim that he has agreed to restore Azerbaijani 
control over Karabakh. They cite the prime minister’s statements made following 
his previous meeting with Aliyev held on April 6.

Belgium - European Council President Charles Michel, Armenian Prime Minister 
Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev meet in Brussels, April 
6, 2022

Michel announced following the latest summit that a newly formed 
Armenian-Azerbaijani commission on the border demarcation will hold its first 
meeting “in the coming days.” Also, he said, Aliyev and Pashinian made 
significant progress towards opening the border to commerce and cargo shipments.

“Notably they agreed on principles of border administration, security, land fees 
but also customs in the context of international transport,” he said without 
elaborating. “The deputy prime ministers [of Armenia and Azerbaijan] will take 
this work forward in the coming days.”

Pashinian’s office said in this regard that the two leaders reached 
understandings on “the further course of work on the opening of regional 
communications.” It too did not give any details.

It was thus not clear whether the two sides ironed out their differences on the 
status of an Armenian road and railway that would connect Azerbaijan to its 
Nakhichevan exclave. Aliyev has said that people and cargo passing through them 
must be exempt from Armenian border controls. Armenian leaders have until now 
rejected his demands for an exterritorial land corridor.

Armenian-Azerbaijani transport links are envisaged by a Russian-brokered 
ceasefire that stopped the 2020 war in Karabakh. Shortly after the truce, 
Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan set up a trilateral commission tasked with 
working out their practical modalities.

The commission has not met since December. Moscow moved to revive its activities 
last month after accusing the West of trying to hijack its efforts to make peace 
between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
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