Categories: 2022

Armenian police searching homes of opposition members

Armenia –

Law enforcement officers in Armenia have raided the homes of many opposition members since early Tuesday morning.

In particular, the police have conducted searches in the houses of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) party members in Tavush, Kotayk and Gegharkunik Provinces, ARF Armenia chair Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a senior MP from the opposition Hayastan bloc, said.

He accused PM Nikol Pashinyan of ordering the searches.

"You won't get away with it. All those who gave the orders and those who carried it out will be held to account. Long live Armenian ‘democracy’!" Saghatelyan wrote on Facebook.

The homes of opposition Homeland Party member Arsen Nikoghosyan and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) members in Noyemberyan and Gyumri have also been searched.

The Armenian opposition has been holding protests for several weeks now to force Nikol Pashinyan from office and thus prevent unacceptable concessions to Azerbaijan.


Ara Felekian: