Categories: 2022

Artsakh MPs: Charles Michel’s statement is cause for bewilderment

Armenia –

Charles Michel's statement on the results of the trilateral meeting held recently in Brussels is a reason for bewilderment from the point of view of distorting the essence of the settlement of the Karabakh problem and heritage, 4 factions of the Artsakh Parliament said in a statement.

The statement says, in part:

The unified position of the people and authorities of Artsakh was presented in the statement of the National Assembly dated April 14 of this year, thereby confirming that the agendas of discussions and negotiations held in international instances are acceptable to us only if they are comparable with the provisions set out in the above statement.

Charles Michel's statement on the results of the recent trilateral meeting in Brussels is a reason for bewilderment from the point of view of distorting the essence of the settlement of the Karabakh problem and the legacy accumulated over 30 years of the negotiation process.

For the first time in the negotiation discourse, an attempt is made to abandon the political and geographical concept of "Nagorno-Karabakh" and the phrase "ethnic Armenian population of Karabakh" is introduced into circulation. All this is completely in tune with the theses spread by the leadership of Azerbaijan before the Brussels meeting and recently in general and testifies to the retreat of the current authorities of Armenia from the foreign policy vector.

The active role of the Council of Europe in the issue of opening the “epoch of peace” between Armenia and Azerbaijan at an accelerated pace could be understood if the response to the aggression provoked by Azerbaijan against the people of the Republic of Artsakh in September 2020 would be heard with the same consistency. The emphasis on security and protection of rights during the 44-day war would be acceptable to some extent for the people of Artsakh, who are defending their sovereignty.

In the current circumstances, the authorities of Armenia are obliged to act solely from the standpoint of promoting and protecting the right of the Artsakh people to self-determination in international instances, based on the decision of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia on July 8, 1992, according to which “any domestic or international document is unacceptable for Armenia, in which Nagorno-Karabakh is celebrated as part of Azerbaijan.”

For the authorities acting both in Artsakh and Armenia, the priority should be declarations on the proclamation of two Armenian republics, the values enshrined in the decision of September 2, 1991, and the independence referendum of December 10, 1991. Not a single official, not a single political force is authorized to independently decide the future of the Motherland, for the formation of which thousands of the sons of our people did not spare their lives.

We are faced with the imperative of making historic decisions, and no one can evade responsibility to generations.

Varazdat Torgomian: