Categories: 2022

Klaar on Brussels meeting: To my knowledge, the issue of exclaves/enclaves wasn’t discussed

Armenia –

The particular issue of exclaves/enclaves was reportedly not discussed by the leaders during the meeting of the head of the European Council with the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Brussels, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar told Armenian News - NEWS.am.

"The leaders looked at broad principles which would provide a framework to govern future transit and international transport once the connectivity infrastructure is unblocked. Details will be worked out by Deputy Prime Ministers.

"To my knowledge, the particular issue of exclaves/enclaves was not discussed by the leaders during their meeting on 22 May in Brussels. I believe it was not particularly discussed by them as a separate agenda point on previous occasions either," he said.

When asked if he was aware of any agreement on the opening of the so-called Zangezur corridor, which was announced by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and which was denied by the Armenian side, Toivo Klaar said: "On this particular aspect, I want to reiterate that the discussions in Brussels addressed the issue of connectivity and principles for reopening communications between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the sovereignty of both countries."

"The EU also sometimes uses the term “transport corridor” when talking about roads or railways inside the EU.

"It is important to stress here that both sides explicitly acknowledged that there were no extraterritorial claims in relation to the communications that would be reopened. It is good to be clear about that as this allows us to address concerns and misperceptions which are sometimes raised in this context where confidence still needs to deepen.

"The parties also discussed practical arrangements for border controls, fees, safety and security, and in the case of international transport to third countries, also customs.

"On our side, we hope that the discussion between the leaders on Sunday will pave the way to unblocking these roads as the connectivity potential, also with an emphasis on the growing opportunities of the “Middle Corridor” transit between Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and the EU in mind.

"We warmly welcome the first meeting of the border commissions that took place today, 24 May, on the inter-state border between the Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan."

Arsine Chaltikian: