Categories: 2022

Opposition leader: Activities of government agencies not serving Armenia’s interests should be blocked

Armenia –

Opposition leader Ishkhan Saghatelyan has defended the move to block entrances to the Armenian Foreign Ministry by opposition demonstrators on Tuesday, saying it is a tool to make the people’s voice heard.

Members and supporters of the opposition Resistance Movement demanding Nikol Pashinyan's resignation blocked all entrances the Armenian Foreign Ministry building for nearly three hours to prevent employees from entering it.

“Today, we have proved once again that we can fulfil any task set if we stand together,” Saghatelyan told reporters after protesters led by him unblocked the building entrances and returned to France Square.

"The activities of the government agencies that no longer cater for Armenia’s interests should be blocked, thus showing the will of the people and achieving complete dual power," he stated.

Saghatelyan recalled that a rally would be held near the statue of Sasuntsi Davit (David of Sassoun) on Tuesday evening, to be followed by a march to France Square.

Arbi Tashjian: