Categories: 2022

Opposition MPs enter Armenian Foreign Ministry building

Armenia –

Lawmakers from the opposition Hayastan and With Honor (Pativ Unem) alliances were allowed to enter the Armenian Foreign Ministry building after opposition demonstrators broke through police cordons and blocked all entrances to the building on Tuesday morning.

Protesters, led by Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a senior Hayastan MP and ARF Armenia leader, had marched to the Foreign Ministry from central France Square as part of the ongoing civil disobedience campaign to oust Nikol Pashinyan.

Opposition MPs wanted to enter the ministry headquarters to relay the message of the protesters and to warn against concessions to Azerbaijan over Artsakh, but the police initially rejected their request.

"We will not allow the violations of the deputies’ rights to continue,” Saghatelyan said, urging police officers to open the door.

Eventually, the MPs were let in.

Mike Maghakian: