Armoteca: HayPost launches new platform for promotion and export of Armenian goods

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia –

Armenia’s post operator HayPost has launched the new Armoteca online platform, aimed at popularizing the best Armenian products and organizing their delivery to about 190 countries. Armenian wines, herbal teas, dried fruit, spices and other Armenian flavors and tastes — all will be available to customers.

It is possible to order the Armenian wines, sweets, honey, fruit jams, canned food both in Armenia and beyond its borders through Armoteca online platform. The scope of products will keep increasing every day.

HayPost CEO Hayk Karapetyan said: “Armoteca is a platform not only for Armenians living abroad, but also for everyone who appreciates the good wine, organic herbal teas, pure canned products from natural fruit. Thanks to Armoteca platform that we are launching, we create an opportunity for Armenian businessmen to present and sell their production all over the world, while we are going to deliver it in shortest period of time. We invite our producers of really high-quality products to present their goods on our platform.”

Within the framework of Armoteca online platform, HayPost will give the Armenian producers the possibility to ensure the availability of Armenian goods in about 190 countries.