Russian Ambassador informs Syunik Governor and Kapan Mayor about Russia`s efforts to ensure regional security

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Within the framework of the working visit of the Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin to Syunik region, the head of the diplomatic mission met  with governor of the region  Robert Ghukasyan and mayor of Kapan  Gevorg Parsyan.

According to the press service of the Russian Embassy in the Republic  of Armenia, noting the long- standing and strong ties of the  inhabitants of the region with Russia the governor of the region  presented the current socio-economic situation to the ambassador,  stressed the importance of the assistance of the Russian side in the  implementation of relevant programs, including through UN bodies, and  also expressed gratitude to Russia for its role in ensuring security  in the region.

For his part, Kopirkin emphasized the enduring relevance of  Russian-Armenian allied relations, close cooperation between  countries in a wide range of areas, as well as the centuries-old  friendship of our peoples. He noted that Russia is providing and will  continue to provide the necessary assistance to the residents of  Syunik.

Kopyrkin stressed that the Russian side is making active mediation  efforts both in resolving the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani  border, including delimitation, and in the process of normalizing  relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan as a whole in order to  create prerequisites for the peaceful development of the region.